Midlife metabolism and hormone reset course.

Tired of feeling run-down, defeated, and uncomfortable in your body?

Get My Foolproof Blueprint to Reset
Your Metabolism and Reignite
Your Energy — For Good!

So You Can Jumpstart Your Metabolism and Have
Unlimited Energy… Without Counting Calories.

Give me the Midlife Metabolism
Boosting Secrets
Midlife metabolism and hormone reset course.

“Just Eat Less, Move More”🙄

Tired of hearing this kind of unhelpful advice?

Come on in, it’s a safe space here.

Does Any of This Strike a Nerve With You?

You’ve tried everything.

You’ve tried EVERYTHING. Intermittent fasting, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, paleo, keto, and yet you’re still wearing stretchy waist pants 24/7.

They dismiss your concerns and shame you for gaining weight.

When you try to talk to your
doctor about, well, anything,
they dismiss your concerns
and shame you for
gaining weight.

You feel exhausted in the morning.

You feel exhausted in the morning, can’t stop thinking about crawling into bed and snuggling with your duvet all day — and then, in the middle of the night, you’re wide awake.

Your mood’s all over the place.

Your mood’s all over the place: anxious, unsettled, angry, and snappish are your four main states of being these days

You feel exhausted in the morning.

You’re self-medicating with weed and wine, because you’ve been offered exactly ZERO other viable options for managing your symptoms

If so, then keep reading, because I’ve got a big secret for you. Huge.

Everything You’ve Been Told About Weight Loss
and Peri + Menopause is Wrong.

You don’t have to suffer. You can lose the weight.

AND you can ditch the brain fog, mood swings, headaches, insulin resistance, sleep struggles, 3 o’clock coffee runs, and cravings. Without counting calories or over-exercising.

The Problem Is:

Making meaningful changes to your weight, body,
blood sugar, and blood pressure?

These things come with a whole boatload of challenges. Can I get an amen?

Bottom line: it’s beyond hard to:

  • Find the energy to work out when every cell in your body is begging for more sleep
  • Magically add a few hours to your day to shop for, prep, and cook healthy foods
  • Take care of yourself when you have a family & career that needs you constantly
It is beyond hard.

And What’s More, Nothing You Do Will Work Unless
You Get Your Hormones Straightened out, first.

you need:

  • To address the big ol’ invisible barriers standing in the way of your success: progesterone, estrogen, cortisol, insulin, testosterone, thyroid, and melatonin to name a few.
  • Simplicity and ease. Because life’s already full and busy enough. Complicated diets and hours-long workouts are not on the dance card.
  • Guidance and a plan. Not shaming and blaming.

Of lifespan

Women spend battling chronic conditions

Of Americans

Have poor
metabolic health

Of Women

Over 45 struggle
with sleep

Of Women

With prediabetes don’t know they have it

Do you see these statistics?

This is Why You’re Struggling.

This is why you’re struggling.

Because when you have insulin resistance, a chronic health condition, biomarkers out of range, and peri+menopause working against you, it’s impossible to just “eat less, move more” your way out of the situation.

Add in medical gaslighting, the dismissals, the “just have a glass of wine and relax” diagnoses, the lack of research including women, and the fact that women are still responsible for the majority of caregiving and household tasks…and it becomes nearly impossible to know which way to turn.

Which is exactly where I come in.

If we haven’t met before, hey there —

I’m Dr. Mariza Snyder

Women’s hormone specialist and advocate.
Best-selling author, speaker, wife + mother

Over the past decade, I’ve helped thousands of women to rebalance their hormones and take control of their health, with practical, doable strategies and protocols I designed for the busy working mom.

Because let’s face it.

Even if you have the most cutting-edge method for improving your health — it won’t work unless you have the time to implement it.

>> A truth I’ve learned all too hard myself as a toddler mom in my 40s, and someone who used to suffer from chronic migraines, severe fatigue, and an extra 35 pounds that followed me around everywhere I went.

You see, even as a functional doctor with a background in biochemistry & molecular cell biology, I still had to do my own research and develop my own healing protocols. Because frankly, the traditional medical system FAILED me.

I had to take matters into my own hands.

Dr Mariza Snyder.

As seen in:

Mbg logo. Oprah magazine logo. Fox news health logo. Dr oz show logo. The huffington post logo. Women's health logo.

But once I’d settled on a method that worked to help me slim down effortlessly, regain my focus, and NOT starve to death on salads three times a day…
you can bet I started sharing these methods with my patients.

I started hearing things like:

Bruna B testimonial.

- Bruna B.

I again have the energy I always had before, and I finally see the extra weight from pregnancy melting off. I have lost 16 pounds with the program over the past 60 days and I am still going, because this is definitely something I can do as a lifestyle change instead of feeling I am on a diet.

Candace R testimonial.

- Candace R.

I'm sleeping nearly 2 hours more per night, my hot flashes are all but gone, and I dropped 12 lbs! I'm so happy not just with my results, but in my confidence moving forward.

And that’s when I knew I had to package up these metabolism-boosting
secrets into one, ridiculously easy-to-follow, self-study program.

I’ve Used These EXACT Methods To Actually
Reverse My Biological Age by Over 7+ YEARS


Mariza before using the methods.


Mariza after using the methods.

My Lab Results

Mariza's lab results.

And I’ve Also Reversed Insulin Resistance,
Dropped 35+ Pounds, and Am In
The Best Shape of My LIFE (in My 40s!)

Without counting a single calorie.

Without counting a single calorie

Because guess what? The whole eat less, move more equation doesn’t work (you already knew that though) because it lowers your basal metabolic rate, makes your body hold onto every single solitary calorie…and it screws up your hormones even more because your body needs nutrients to make your hormones!

Without counting a single calorie.

While raising a toddler and running a business

My weight loss and hormone-balancing methods HAVE to fit into my busy lifestyle. I’ve got a lot on my plate and I don’t have time to cook all day, exercise for hours on end, or shop for exotic ingredients.

Without counting a single calorie.

And while honoring my body in the process

I was able to get my hormones under control *without* over-extending myself. I believe a big part of healing our body involves tending to our body with love and extra grace.

Have You Ever Dreamed About Being
One of Those Women Who Says
“The Weight Just Started to FALL off”?

Then it’s time to set your hormones straight and stop being at their mercy.
Because once you can balance out your hormones, the rest really does just fall
into place.

  • You’ve tried 8,762 times to lose weight and yet, you’re still here, wondering
    why nothing works.
  • You’re busy, busy, busy, and don’t have hours to spend cooking and exercising.
  • You don’t want to eat strictly rabbit food for the rest of your life. Which, girl, same.
  • You’re not looking for a fad diet or some extreme quick fix — you really
    want to make easy tweaks to your existing lifestyle.
  • You’re sick of hearing that brain fog, mood swings, poor sleep, and low
    libido are just part of “getting older.”
  • You don’t want to waste any more time, resources, or energy going down
    paths that don’t work.
Have you ever dreamed about being one of those women who says the weight just started to fall off.

You need a foolproof way to get your body + mind back, for good.

Let’s fix those hormones in 30 days, shall we?

Get Ready to Step Back and Admire That
Full-Length Mirror Selfie


Midlife metabolism and hormone reset course.

Including the 30-Day Metabolism Reset Program

The 30-day metabolism reset program. The 30-day metabolism reset program.

A comprehensive course and easy-to-follow blueprint for finding your body’s perfect metabolic set point >
for busy women who are tired of feeling frumpy, grouchy, and exhausted all the time.

Get everything you need to finally fix your underlying hormone issues so you can effortlessly lose weight, banish brain
fog, and rock your metabolic markers for life.

Check out These Amazing Stats
From Women Who Completed This Program

  • 95% felt empowered with their knowledge of hormones, metabolism and blood sugar
  • 87% saw an improvement overall energy levels
  • 85% lost weight (some participants reported up to 23 lbs)
  • 81% saw reduction in gut issues (bloating, gas and acid reflux)
  • 80% saw reduction in cravings (especially late night cravings)
  • 79% saw a reduction in food cost by cooking at home (an average of $350 savings/month)
  • 75% saw an improvement in emotional wellbeing
  • 73% saw an improvement in more restful sleep
  • 71% improved their brain function (alertness, focus and concentration)
  • 70% saw an reduction in PMS symptoms
  • 68% saw a reduction in belly fat (inches around the waist)
Check out these amazing stats.

It’s Time to Ditch the One-Size-Fits-All Health Plans
and Take Back Your Hormones on Your OWN Schedule.

Learn the blueprints while you fold the laundry, on your own timeframe, and implement them as YOU see fit. I’m handing you the step-by-step instructions and protocols for making this the easiest weight loss you’ve ever experienced.

You get done-for-you science-backed protocols and recommendations based on YOUR body and its exact
needs—for a fraction of what you’d pay to see a functional practitioner!

This Course gives you everything you need to know in order to:

  • Uncover the hidden issues that are holding you back from transforming your health (it’s surprisingly not all about diet and exercise!) so you can finally move forward and make meaningful change
  • Put together a meal that supports your metabolism every time you eat. There are no super restrictive and crazy rules to follow here. I’ll show you how to bring joy back to eating and thrive even when you can’t be “perfect”
  • Balance your hormones like a boss so you can stop feeling like you’re swimming against a rip current and see real, sustainable results
  • Learn the secrets to effective movement and exercise that won’t leave you feeling exhausted and miserable. You’ll never dread your workouts again

From the Minute You Join, You'll Receive Access To:


8 Video Modules

(Valued at $500)

All video modules.

Clocking in at just 30-45 minutes long, you can pop these on 2x speed and get the information you need, quickly…or slow them down and savor every last morsel of wisdom. You get to choose. Study how you best learn, even if that’s throwing in your earbuds and listening while you’re folding laundry.

During these modules, I’ll first walk you through a process to visualize your future healthy vision self to make accomplishing your health goals so much easier. This is the first step to creating epic results that last.

Then we'll dive into:

Then we’ll dive into:

Every module is designed to build on the other so as you go through the program, your results start to multiply.


30-Day Midlife Metabolism Reset Plan

(Valued at $250)

Whether you want to go through the video modules at your own pace OR
skip straight to the action plan, I've got you!

30-day midlife metabolism reset plan meal plan.

The 30 Day Midlife Metabolism Program is the ultimate
research-backed metabolism-boosting program, designed to
balance your blood sugar, optimize your hormones and
heal your gut and liver.

It follows Five Hormone-Centric Pillars for lasting results:

The program contains a How to Create Metabolically Healthy Meals, a 30-Day Meal Plan, Shopping List, 70+ recipes, Blood Sugar Hacks Guide and Intermittent Fasting Guide.

While this is a 30-day plan, this is not meant to be a one-time fad diet. It is designed to be sustainable, using the pillars above to help you work smarter, not harder, and create lasting results for years and years.


17 Research-Backed Worksheets, Recipe Guides,
How-To Guides and Assessments

(Valued at $300)

With these food lists, meal plans, recipes, and in-depth guides, you will always know exactly what step you need to take next to keep moving forward and maintain that precious momentum.

There’s a lot of information here, but it’s broken down into easy-to-digest action steps so you don’t ever feel overwhelmed or confused.

Books bundle.

Here is the full list of guides and worksheets:

  • Master Your Mindset and Intention Worksheet
  • Metabolic Dysfunction Self-Assessment Quiz
  • Recommended Lab Testing and Body Measurements to Diagnose Metabolic Dysfunction
  • Blood Sugar Hacks Guide ($25)
  • Guide to Intermittent Fasting ($25)
  • Belly Fat Slim Down Guide + Recipes ($50)
  • How to Create Metabolically Healthy Meals ($50)
  • Metabolically Healthy Recipes ($50)
  • 50 Super Metabolically Healthy Foods List ($25)
  • Metabolic Activator Blueprint ($50)
  • Circadian Rhythm Blueprint ($50)
  • Dr. Mariza’s Sleep Routine and Rituals Guide ($25)
  • Beginner 7-Day Workout Plan ($25)
  • Intermediate 7-Day Workout Plan ($25)
  • Dr. Mariza’s Ultimate Morning Self-Care Guide ($25)
  • Stress Self-Assessment Worksheet

Additional Support Options

Additional support options.

When you join the Metabolism & Hormone Reset Course, you’ll get the opportunity for additional support with four recorded Q&A calls from the initial launch of this program.

This add-on is available after purchase for only $27 (70% savings), and includes over 4 additional hours of ALL of the questions you can imagine, as I personally guide through the course and program so you can multiply your results!


Webinar-Only Bonus:
Thriving in Perimenopause Course

*On This Page Only*

(Valued at $300)

Perimenopause is defined as the slow transitional decline of your ovaries as a player in your endocrine system.
And most women don’t know that they are perimenopause until they are really in it! In this 5 to 15-year window of life, our bodies can really start to struggle with things like weight gain, extreme fatigue, insomnia, hot flashes, migraines, anxiety, and more.

Additional support options.

In this comprehensive bonus course, I will dive deep into the fundamentals and science behind the changes that are occurring in perimenopause, as well as lifestyle changes that could give you your best life back. You will learn:

Expiration warning.

Offer Expires In...

23 Hours 59 Minutes 59 Seconds

When You Order the Midlife Metabolism & Hormone Reset
You’re Getting Access to My Best-Selling Program
That Has Helped Thousands of Women Lose Weight,
Boost Their Energy, and Look 7 Years Younger
in as Little as 30 Days

You're Getting Access to My Best-Selling Program.

Based on the years of research I have conducted as well as the amount of time and resources I have invested to create this comprehensive program...

I should be charging at least $1,000 (and I do charge 3-5x that for private clients)...

But, because I want women to have an affordable solution and to not feel completely hopeless when it comes to balancing their hormones... I normally charge $297 for this course...

Which really is a really steep discount given the amount of resources I am providing.

However, my mission this year is to help 100,000 women reverse their biological age...

Books bundle.

So, for a limited time, I have decided to lower the price once more to just $147 for my Basic Package which includes:

But I Have Even Better News for You…

For the first time ever, I am releasing a Premier Package,
in which you can access EVEN MORE resources valued at $850 for just an additional $50!

Here's What's Included in the Premier Package:

Premier Bonus 1: 90-Minute Kick-Off Call with Dr. Mariza ($400 Value)

90 minute kick-off call with Dr Mariza.

Get direct access to the best metabolic strategies and hacks that have worked on thousands of patients and clients, along with your burning questions answered + Dr. Mariza’s best hormone secrets.

Premier Bonus 2: Fix Your Hormones In Midlife Course ($200 Value)

Fix Your Hormones In Midlife Course.

Nearly 2 hours of me breaking down exactly what’s driving your biggest symptoms and outlining easy solutions you can start implementing immediately, along with lab testing guides, protocols, and exclusive Essentially Whole ® supplement discounts to give you exact answers and next steps for taking control of your hormones

Premier Bonus 3: What You Need to Know About HRT
(Hormone Replacement Therapy) Masterclass ($200 Value)

What You Need to Know About HRT.

In this 90+ minute training, I will provide you with the essential information needed to navigate the choices surrounding hormone replacement therapy confidently, to see if it is right for you. My goal is for you to leave you informed and self-assured, so you can confidently advocate for yourself when interacting with healthcare providers. You will have lifetime access to the recording.

Premier Bonus 4: 8 Metabolism Hacks Bonus Audio Recordings ($50 Value)

8 Metabolism Hacks Bonus Audio Recordings.

These tailored audio lessons cut right to the chase and provide you with fast action steps to uplevel your energy, sleep, metabolism, and overall well-being. They are the perfect companion to the 7 in-depth modules and are an average length of 15 minutes, so you can listen anywhere.

Now the Choice is Yours…

Select the basic package.

You can select the
and unlock

$150 in savings...


Select the premier package.

You can select the
and unlock

$950 in savings...


You can do nothing.

You can do nothing... And just allow your biological clock to keep ticking and experience the effects of menopause without any resources or relief



The Midlife Metabolism &
Hormone Reset Course

Basic package bundle.
  • 8 Video Modules (10 hours of video courses)
  • 30-Day Hormone Reset Plan
  • 17 Comprehensive Worksheets and Hormone-Balancing Recipe Guides
  • 90-Minute Kick Off Call with Dr. Mariza
    ($400 Value)
  • Fix Your Hormones Course
    ($200 Value)
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy Masterclass
    ($200 Value)
  • 8 Metabolism Hacks Audio Recordings
    ($50 Value)

Regularly $297


Total Savings $150 ADD TO CART Credit cards.

Best Value



The Midlife Metabolism &
Hormone Reset Course

Premier package bundle.
  • 8 Video Modules (10 hours of video courses)
  • 30-Day Hormone Reset Plan
  • 17 Comprehensive Worksheets and Hormone-Balancing Recipe Guides


Exclusive Bonuses

  • 90-Minute Kick Off Call with Dr. Mariza
    ($400 Value)
  • Fix Your Hormones Course
    ($200 Value)
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy Masterclass
    ($200 Value)
  • 8 Metabolism Hacks Audio Recordings
    ($50 Value)

Regularly $1,147


Total Savings $950 ADD TO CART Credit cards.
Amanda O testimonial.

- Amanda O.

I leaped and signed up for the Metabolism and Hormone Reset program because I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the health challenges I was experiencing. I wanted to address my energy, blood sugar, and brain fog. I finished the program feeling empowered and equipped to make amazing changes for my body. My blood sugar improved along with my morning energy levels and sleep. I loved the amazing changes I experienced and I loved the support, recipes, and easy strategies I implemented that I am still doing today.

Susan S testimonial.

- Susan S.

I came to Dr. Mariza feeling burned out, tired and overweight. And my doctor had just told me that I was borderline pre-diabetic! On the 30-Day Metabolism Program and course, I lost 12 lbs., and finally fixed my horrible insomnia that my sleep specialist could not fix.

Log in today, see results in as little as a week!
Watch your results multiply over 30 days and just keep on going.

The Midlife Metabolism + Hormone Reset Arms You With a
No-Fluff, Straight-to-the-Point Roadmap That Puts You in
Charge of Your Weight and Stubborn Hormonal Symptoms.

You’ll only have to spend a few hours, on your own schedule, learning the proprietary information
I’m teaching in this class.

Then, you’ll be well on your way to wearing your “skinny” clothes (you know, the ones you keep at the
back of your closet to reward yourself for losing weight 😉)

The moment you join, you’ll get access to the modules, plus any updates I make to the program for LIFE

Mariza Snyder.

you won’t find this
information anywhere else

Ready to feel like a new woman?

You’ll walk away with a complete plan to take your health to
the next level, drop those pounds, and get your energy back.

Mariza Snyder.

The Midlife Metabolism + Hormone Reset
is Here When You’re Ready for It!

Here’s how it works.

Here’s how it works:

  1. When you enroll, you’ll get INSTANT access. Log in to the course, start watching the modules, and begin applying what you learn!
  2. There are 7 modules, each whittled down to 30-45 no-fluff
    minutes. You can even throw them on 2x speed if you need to.
  3. Review the bonus content and worksheets on mobile.
    You can pull them up anywhere, anytime.
  4. Listen while you walk, do the dishes, or fold the laundry.

This Is Not Just Another Fad Diet or Quick Fix

It’s all the good things about a diet program, with none of the guilt, homework, or unrealistic expectations… Instead, you get to take the knowledge I share with you about female hormones & metabolism and implement the tips that are perfect for YOU.

No woman’s body is one-size-fits-all, and your health plan shouldn’t be either.

In the course, you’ll get the science of WHY stubborn weight won’t budge…

And, WHAT you can do today to move the needle to achieve your goals (100% on your time, when you’re ready!)

Have you ever dreamed about being one of those women who says the weight just started to fall off.

You Get Done-for-You Science-Backed Protocols and
Recommendations Based on YOUR Body and its Exact
Needs—for a Fraction of What You’d Pay
To See a Natural Practitioner!

This Course gives you everything you need to know in order to:

Uncover the hidden things that are holding you back.

Uncover the hidden things that are holding you back from transforming your health (it’s surprisingly not all about diet and exercise!) so you can finally move forward and make meaningful change

Bring joy back to eating.

Put together a meal that supports your metabolism every time you eat. There are no super restrictive and crazy rules to follow here. I’ll show you how to bring joy back to eating and thrive even when you can’t be “perfect”

See real, sustainable results.

Balance your hormones like a boss so you can stop feeling like you’re swimming against a rip current and see real, sustainable results

Learn the secrets to effective movement and exercise.

Learn the secrets to effective movement and exercise that won’t leave you feeling exhausted and miserable. You’ll never dread your workouts again

The 30-Day money back guarantee Money back guarantee badge.

But, Will it Work For Me?

The 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are SO confident that these protocols, meal plans, recipe guides, 8 self-paced modules, and bonuses will heal your hormones and help you make meaningful progress on your weight loss goals and peri+menopause symptoms — that if it doesn’t work for you, we’ll refund your purchase price.

That’s right.

If you follow this plan step-by-step and it doesn’t result in more energy, fewer hormone symptoms, and weight loss, we’ll happily refund your investment within the first 30 days after your purchase.* Just give us some proof that you did the work and didn’t get the results, and we’ll send you your money back. No hard feelings whatsoever.

I get it. I know how it feels for an expert to tell you they can solve all your problems. It’s right to be skeptical. Just know I get it, and I’m so confident in the quality and efficacy of this program that I’m happy to ease that concern by providing a money-back guarantee.

This Program is Guaranteed to Give You Real Results Within
the First Week With Easy-To-Follow Recommendations
and Flexible Meal Plans Tailored for Your Individual Needs

When you enroll today, you’ll get instant access to :

8 Guided Modules

8 guided modules.
  • Step Into Your Future Healthy Self
  • Master Your Stress and Stress Response System
  • How To Create Metabolically Healthy Meals
  • Optimizing Movement and Exercise For Metabolic Health
  • How To Get The Best Results With The 30 Day Metabolism And Hormone Reset Plan
  • Understanding Metabolic Health and Balancing Blood Glucose and Insulin Levels
  • Optimizing Circadian Rhythm and Sleep
  • Mastering Key Hormones Players
Healthy foods guide.

Step-by-step guides to assess YOUR
unique hormone and metabolic health

  • Get a clear direction where you need to
    focus on to see the biggest results
Reset meal plan.

A Comprehensive 30-day Plan to reset your
metabolism, balance your hormones, and fuel
your energy

  • Do all of it or part of it – your choice!
My no-fail mindset practices.

My no-fail mindset practices

  • Mindset work is my secret to Overcome any barriers that are standing in the way of improved energy, metabolism, and hormone health
7 day workout plan.

Workout plans, recipe guides, shopping lists,
and more

  • Take the guesswork out of what you need
    to do and when

Upgrade to the Premier Package for Some
Killer BONUSES to Shortcut Your Results

BONUS 1: Kickoff Call with Dr. Mariza ($400 Value)

Fix your hormones course.

90-Minute Kick-Off Call Recording ($400 Value)

Get direct access to the best metabolic strategies and hacks that have worked on thousands of patients and clients, along with your burning questions answered + Dr. Mariza’s best hormone secrets.

BONUS 2: Fix Your Hormones Course + Toolkit ($200 Value)

Fix your hormones masterclass.

This 90-minute course bundle includes…

  • Fix Your Hormones Course 90 minutes of me breaking down exactly what’s driving your biggest symptoms and outlining easy solutions you can start implementing immediately
  • The Protocol Action Guide: a complete, in-depth protocol, customized to you.
  • The Fix Your Hormones Recipes Guide: delicious recipes that will heal your hormones, balance your blood sugar, support your metabolism, and boost your energy. These recipes are jam-packed with the exact micro and macronutrients you need to fix your hormones. Value $100
  • Essentially Whole ® Store Coupon so you can save on key supplements that can unlock your healing, safely and naturally

BONUS 3: What You Need to Know About HRT
(Hormone Replacement Therapy) Masterclass ($200 Value)

What you need to know about HRT.

In this 90+ minute training, I will provide you with the essential information needed to navigate the choices surrounding hormone replacement therapy confidently, to see if it is right for you. My goal is for you to leave you informed and self-assured, so you can confidently advocate for yourself when interacting with healthcare providers. You will have lifetime access to the recording.

  • Types of Therapies: Discover the different forms of Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) and how they are administered.
  • Appropriate Timing: When to initiate or discontinue therapy based on your needs.
  • Self-Advocacy: Equip yourself with the knowledge to effectively communicate with medical professionals about your treatment options.

BONUS 4: Metabolism Hacks Bonus Audio Content ($50 Value)

These tailored audio BONUSES cut right to the chase and provide you with fast action steps to uplevel your energy, sleep, metabolism and overall well being. They are the perfect companion to the 7 in-depth modules.

Audio wave.
Play button.

Easy Hacks to Overcome Cravings (How I Finally Hacked My 2:30 pm Afternoon Sugar Cravings)

Audio wave.
Play button.

3 Easy Rituals to Instantly Feel Good

Audio wave.
Play button.

The Benefits of Circadian-Based Intermittent Fasting + How to Implement with Ease

Audio wave.
Play button.

The Truth Behind Which Foods Trigger Inflammation and Belly Fat

Audio wave.
Play button.

How to Pivot in Perimenopause to Increase Energy, Metabolism, and Brain Power

Audio wave.
Play button.

5 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels Instantly

Audio wave.
Play button.

10+ Surprising Signs Your Stress Is Out of Control + How to Fix It

Audio wave.
Play button.

My Top Five Biohacking Devices to Uplevel Your Health


(But you’ll pay just $197 -– You’ll unlock $950 in savings, INSTANTLY)

Ready to feel lighter, happier, and motivated?

Join me in The Midlife Metabolism + Hormone Rest Course

I cannot wait to see the massive changes you’ll make over the next 30 days!



The Midlife Metabolism &
Hormone Reset Course

Basic package bundle.
  • 8 Video Modules (10 hours of video courses)
  • 30-Day Hormone Reset Plan
  • 17 Comprehensive Worksheets and Hormone-Balancing Recipe Guides
  • 90-Minute Kick Off Call with Dr. Mariza
    ($400 Value)
  • Fix Your Hormones Course
    ($200 Value)
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy Masterclass
    ($200 Value)
  • 8 Metabolism Hacks Audio Recordings
    ($50 Value)

Regularly $297


Total Savings $150 ADD TO CART Credit cards.

Best Value



The Midlife Metabolism &
Hormone Reset Course

Premier package bundle.
  • 8 Video Modules (10 hours of video courses)
  • 30-Day Hormone Reset Plan
  • 17 Comprehensive Worksheets and Hormone-Balancing Recipe Guides


Exclusive Bonuses

  • 90-Minute Kick Off Call with Dr. Mariza
    ($400 Value)
  • Fix Your Hormones Course
    ($200 Value)
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy Masterclass
    ($200 Value)
  • 8 Metabolism Hacks Audio Recordings
    ($50 Value)

Regularly $1,147


Total Savings $950 ADD TO CART Credit cards.
Diane J testimonial.

- Diane J.

Dr. Mariza gave me everything I needed to feel confident using her meal plan and How-To Guides. The recommendations were easy to follow, I felt motivated to keep going. The 30-Day Metabolism program will change your life like it changed mine.

Pamela R testimonial.

- Pamela R.

I lost 14 lbs and I finally got answers to my health issues that allowed me to function like a normal human being again. It feels like I got my life back!

What’s in the Metabolism + Hormone Reset Course?

Here’s a complete breakdown of
the material

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8

Step Into Your Future Healthy Self

Step into your future healthy self.

Inside this module, we’ll work on sweeping away those pesky limiting beliefs that keep you putting yourself last and feeling discouraged.

We’ll also work on the Master Your Mindset and Intention Worksheet during this module to guide you into stepping into your future healthy self

Understanding Metabolic Health and
Balancing Blood Glucose and Insulin Levels

In module 2, I’ll teach you how to assess your metabolic health so you can better understand what steps you need to take to move forward. If you discover some surprising things that you want to investigate further during this process, I’ll help you figure out how to ask your doctor for the lab tests you need.

Content for module two.

Worksheets + guides included in this module:

How To Create Metabolically Healthy Meals

Here, we’ll work on learning *how* to create a healthy meal so you’ll never be confused when it comes to what to eat ever again. Instead of just blindly asking you to follow some arbitrary health rules, I’ll show you exactly what it takes to design every meal you eat so you’re supporting your hormones and your metabolism

Content for module three.

Included guides:

Optimizing Circadian Rhythm and Sleep

In module 4, I’m going to show you how to finally get the deep restful sleep you need to restore your cellular batteries aka: your energy levels — so you can tackle your weight loss goals and feel like a new woman. This is a super important module, because when you get your sleep right, everything can finally start falling into place.

Content for module four.

Guides included

Optimizing Movement and Exercise For Metabolic Health

Are you exercising properly? Or are you sabotaging your efforts with workouts that are too intense, or perhaps not intense enough? You’ll learn everything you need to know to create an exercise plan that works for you — and helps you build that body you’ve been dreaming of!

Content for module five.

Included guides:

Master Your Stress and Stress Response System

Can we talk about your stress levels? Because if you’re not addressing stress — you’re not losing weight. End of story. In this module, we’ll explore how to get your stress hormones down and improve your blood sugar and energy in the process

Content for module six.

Included worksheet:

Mastering Key Hormones Players

Content for module seven.

Ever wanted to understand how your hormones are impacting your weight and metabolism? If just one key hormone is off balance, you’ll see your weight creep up and your energy levels plummet.

In this module, you’ll find out how to make sure your hormones stay level so you can effortlessly lose weight and feel your best.

How To Get The Best Results With The 30 Day
Metabolism And Hormone Reset Plan

Content for module eight.

Here’s the extra special secret sauce you need to keep your results jaw-dropping and your motivation on point.

With this module, you’ll gain all the confidence you need to take your results to the next level.

Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers

How Long Does It Take? I Can Barely Get Dinner on the Table…

I know what it feels like to be drowning in life. The demands of your job, your family, your other commitments… they add up FAST, and often your body pays the price.

But for just a moment, imagine with me… What if you still had energy in the evening, even after a busy workday?

What if you had a plan where workouts fueled your energy, instead of leaving you drained, exhausted, and a sweaty mess (without seeing a difference on the scale)?

What if you didn’t have to work so hard to make “healthy” part of your day-to-day life?

THAT is what this course is about. It’s not about drastic elimination of food or heavy-hitting workouts. It’s about understanding your body and intuitively making shifts that will unlock your hormone health and metabolic function for good.

The 8-module course is 100% self-paced so you can work through it as quickly or slowly as you want. There are about 9 hours worth of videos, but they are broken up with helpful guides, assessments, and tools you can use to apply the principles to YOUR body and completely personalize your experience.

Only have an hour a week? Totally fine! Drop in and walk away with 1-2 things you can do immediately.

Want to take a deeper dive? Awesome! The modules are designed to flow seamlessly so you can power through to get a bigger picture of the what, why, and how of healing your hormones and getting your metabolism back on track.

Within the course, there will be things you learn that you can implement with very little time added to your daily routine—and massive benefits for your energy and waistline.

Whether you do one thing at a time or plan to do the complete reset that I outline as part of the course, sticking to these principles for 30 days (or more!) is how you’ll see the biggest impact.

It’ll all be there at your fingertips to come back to and reference whenever you need it!

What makes the 30-Day Midlife Metabolism + Hormone Reset Course different from other “weight loss” programs?

The 30-Day Midlife Metabolism + Hormone Reset Course was designed by a doctor (that’s me!). This program is deeply rooted in the latest research on metabolic health for women. I don’t believe in fads or extreme restriction. Willpower can only last for so long...which is why most diets ultimately fail.

The goal of the 30-Day Midlife Metabolism + Hormone Reset Course is to uncover and heal the imbalances in your body that are keeping you from losing weigh and feeling energizedt. Once we’ve done that, your body simply releases the weight that it’s been holding on to.

What if I feel like I don’t have time?

I know you’re busy. We all are :) But here’s the thing, this program honestly has very little time investment associated with it.

Each module is only 30-45 minutes long and you can watch or listen while you’re doing chores or walking. If you’re really stretched for time, you can bump up the playback speed and get through them at 2X speed.

Here’s the thing. You’ll have to eat anyway.

May as well learn to eat in a way that supports your metabolism, your hormones, and fuels weight loss, right?

And you know what’s really time-consuming? Putting off your health and then having a critical situation to deal with. Inflammation, autoimmune disease, joint pain, depression, brain fog...these are all conditions that, if left untreated, will cause you to lose a lot of time (and money!) further down the road.

Better an ounce of prevention now than a pound of cure later.

Will I have to buy any special food, bars, shakes, etc?

No, absolutely not. We’re not into fake foods around here.

So many “diet” programs exist just to sell you their terrible-quality food. And what are you supposed to do, only eat their brand of processed nonsense for the rest of your life?

The 30-Day Midlife Metabolism + Hormone Reset Course focuses on delicious, whole foods that can be easily prepared. If you’re a chef-type who enjoys elaborate cooking, that’s great and you’ll totally enjoy getting creative with the recipes. But I don’t want to spend my life in the kitchen — so everything that’s included in the program is practical and easy to prepare.

>> Once you join, you’ll have access to a special discount on my most popular supplement kits, and that is totally optional.

Is there an online community as part of this program?

There isn’t a community component to this course. This course is designed to take up as little time as possible in your life, so you can get on with your day and the business of creating healthy habits.

So often, online groups tend to take up more time and serve as a distraction for busy women on the path to losing weight and resetting their hormones…so I’ve decided to keep this one strictly an individual course.

>> Once you join, you’ll have the opportunity to add on a 1-month live coaching package to complement your purchase. But that is optional.

What if I hate vegetables and don’t want to eat rabbit food?

Here’s the thing. I’d love to challenge you on the belief that you don’t like vegetables.

And — with all of the amazing, simple recipes and extensive food lists you’ll get when you join, I can promise that you’ll find *something* for your palate and discover new ways to make those healthy foods taste delicious.

What if I’ve tried other programs and failed?

I get it. It’s so hard to put your faith out there again.

I know that all of the bad diet advice and difficulties you’ve had in the past have left you skeptical and defeated.

It can feel like there’s no point in trying...but I promise you, the results my patients get with this program are real. And they’re truly life-changing.

Every program participant I’ve helped has started in the same place you are right now.

Stuck, defeated, and wondering if there was a way out.

And in 30 Days they were able to UNLEASH their metabolism and change their lives.

And in 30 Days They Were Able to UNLEASH Their
Metabolism and Change Their Lives.

Martha D testimonial.

- Martha D.

The first win that I experienced was more alertness and energy in the morning, which never happens and I am sleeping 6-7 hours a night, which is huge. I also lost 10 pounds so far and it wasn’t necessarily a goal because my other issues were so much bigger to me. I feel lighter and more energized than I have in over three years.

Kathryn H testimonial.

-Kathryn H.

My hormones have been imbalanced for years, especially at the age of 47. I lost 9.5 pounds and 2 inches off my waist. I’m really glad I did this because I have sustained my results and lost another 5 lbs by maintaining a lot of the food changes I made during the program.

Will I Need to Buy Special Equipment
or Stop Eating Dessert for Life?

Will I need to stop eating dessert for life.

No, and no!

The secrets I unpack in the Midlife Metabolism + Hormone Reset Course are designed to help you address your own bio-individuality (what makes YOU unique as a woman in your stage of life with your own unique set of symptoms & health factors).

That means you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to interpret your body’s signals—yourself—and take the next best steps to reach your own personal goals.

There are no fancy shakes, pills, or workout equipment you need to have in order to reset your hormones and metabolism in the ways I outline. At times I’ll recommend specific supplements or tools throughout the course, but they’re 100% optional… you do you, girl!

And as for dessert…

This is not a completely restrictive don’t-even-LOOK-at-sugar-or-gluten-again program. You can hack into your body’s unique chemistry and make changes to achieve your goals (and still enjoy a treat here and there)…

I’ll even share secrets on how you can do it without sabotaging all the progress you’ve made, too!

Over the Past Decade, I’ve Developed and
Tested This Plan on Myself and Countless Patients.

I've developed and tested this plan on myself and countless patients.

Now, I’ve distilled it into a simple, easy-to-follow course that I know will move your metabolic health forward in a meaningful way.

All you have to do is listen to the modules, follow the guides, and fill out the worksheets.

You just follow the steps, one at a time, and at the end of 30 days, you won’t recognize yourself.

It’s the exact jumpstart you need to get on the right track with your weight and your metabolic health markers.

>> In the past, women had to pay thousands of dollars to work with me to get the kind of results this program provides.

But now, you can get the exact blueprint for metabolic health and weight loss I’ve used to help women for years for less than a fancy dinner out or a Target run.

This is your moment. This is your time.

Get Instant Access to the Entire Blueprint for Changing
Your Body + Completely Up-Leveling Your Health



The Midlife Metabolism &
Hormone Reset Course

Basic package bundle.
  • 8 Video Modules (10 hours of video courses)
  • 30-Day Hormone Reset Plan
  • 17 Comprehensive Worksheets and Hormone-Balancing Recipe Guides
  • 90-Minute Kick Off Call with Dr. Mariza
    ($400 Value)
  • Fix Your Hormones Course
    ($200 Value)
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy Masterclass
    ($200 Value)
  • 8 Metabolism Hacks Audio Recordings
    ($50 Value)

Regularly $297


Total Savings $150 ADD TO CART Credit cards.

Best Value



The Midlife Metabolism &
Hormone Reset Course

Premier package bundle.
  • 8 Video Modules (10 hours of video courses)
  • 30-Day Hormone Reset Plan
  • 17 Comprehensive Worksheets and Hormone-Balancing Recipe Guides


Exclusive Bonuses

  • 90-Minute Kick Off Call with Dr. Mariza
    ($400 Value)
  • Fix Your Hormones Course
    ($200 Value)
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy Masterclass
    ($200 Value)
  • 8 Metabolism Hacks Audio Recordings
    ($50 Value)

Regularly $1,147


Total Savings $950 ADD TO CART Credit cards.

© Dr. Mariza Snyder 2025