Replay + Perimenopause Course Bonus Extended through 5/22








The Webinar Replay is Now Over

Hey, it’s Dr Mariza. Thanks for your interest in the Fix Your Metabolism masterclass!

Unfortunately, access to the live training and replay has expired. But don’t worry, you are now on my email list, if you weren’t before, and the next time I run this masterclass, I will be letting you know!

But if you want to know how you can improve your energy levels, relieve painful or heavy periods, sleep better, and end mood swings — all without endless trial and error… it is not too late to join the Midlife & Metabolism Reset Course (with up to 84% discount for a limited time.

Tired of feeling run-down, defeated, and uncomfortable in your body?

The Guided, Self-Paced Blueprint to Understand Your Hormones, Reset Your Metabolism, and Reignite Your Energy — for Good!

Finally, Address the Underlying Hormone Imbalances That Cause Stubborn Weight Gain and Fatigue So You Can Jumpstart Your Metabolism and Have Unlimited Energy… Without Counting Calories.


The Metabolism & Hormone Reset Course

Including the 30-Day Metabolism Reset Program

A comprehensive course and easy-to-follow blueprint for finding your body’s perfect metabolic set point for busy women who are tired of feeling run down, foggy and exhausted all the time.

Get everything you need to finally fix your underlying hormone issues so you can effortlessly lose weight, banish brain fog, and feel younger for as long as possible.

I'm sleeping nearly 2 hours more per night, my hot flashes are all but gone, and I dropped 12 lbs!

I'm so grateful I was invited to the Metabolism & Hormone Reset Course! The amount of education shared was simply phenomenal — I just don't hear these things from my general practitioner!

In addition to that, I'm sleeping nearly 2 hours more per night, my hot flashes are all but gone, and I dropped 12 lbs! I'm so happy not just with my results, but in my confidence moving forward. Thank you, Dr. Mariza!

Candace R.

I again have the energy I always had before, and I finally see the extra weight from pregnancy melting off.

I chose this program because after a difficult labor experience, dealing with pelvic floor dysfunction, and the daily stress of handling motherhood + a full-time job, I couldn't find myself again.
I felt like I was swallowed by maternity, overweight, and trapped in my own body and hormone dysfunction.

I decided to invest in the group coach metabolism program because I felt that, with Dr. Mariza’s knowledge and help, I could heal my body in a natural way and find the energy to tackle all the challenges that being a working mom could bring.
I am very happy with that decision, and with the help of Dr. Mariza’s program, I was able to feel like myself again.

I again have the energy I always had before, and I finally see the extra weight from pregnancy melting off. I have lost 16 pounds with the program over the past 60 days and I am still going, because this is definitely something I can do as a lifestyle change instead of feeling I am on a diet.

I feel that this program has the ability to simplify the most important things that you need to learn and focus on in order to feel healthy and young again, and the content and guidance are crafted in an easy way that makes it simple to follow.

Shout out to Dr. Mariza and the amazing metabolism program!

Bruna B.

Ready to Feel Like a New Woman?

You’ll walk away with a complete plan to take your health to the next level, drop those pounds, and get your energy back.

This Is the Most Valuable Program I’ve Ever Designed

It’s literally a compilation of every single in-depth resource you need to make weight loss simple and quick (and lasting).

It’s basically a digital, self-study version of the comprehensive protocols I used in my private practice. Distilled down into an easy-to-follow format so that you can start feeling amazing fast.

When I used to work with women 1:1, I charged thousands of dollars for access to these protocols.

And now, you’ll get all of it. Every last bit. For just $147.

The value of this program is MASSIVE.

Worried you won’t get the most out of this program right now?

That’s ok! You can totally dip your toes in now and walk away with 1-2 things that can begin to change the way your hormones and metabolism are serving you on a daily basis.

You can buy now to get the discount and complete the course any time when you feel ready!

Plus, there is ZERO risk with my 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

If you really decide that natural protocols for weight loss, better energy, and fewer hormone symptoms aren’t for you right now—no hard feelings whatsoever. If for any reason the Metabolism + Hormone Reset Course doesn’t meet your expectations, we will refund your investment within the first 30 days after you purchase.

Still Not Sure If It’ll Work for You?

Check out these amazing stats from women who completed this program already:


95 percent felt empowered with their knowledge of hormones, metabolism and blood sugar


87 percent saw an improvement in overall energy levels


85 percent lost weight (some participants reported up to 23 lbs)


81 percent saw reduction in gut issues (bloating, gas and acid reflux)


80 percent saw reduction in cravings (especially late night cravings)


79 percent saw a reduction in food cost by cooking at home (an average of $350 savings/month)


75 percent saw an improvement in emotional well-being


73 percent saw an improvement in more restful sleep


71 percent improved their brain function (alertness, focus and concentration)


70 percent saw an reduction in PMS symptoms


68 percent saw a reduction in belly fat (inches around the waist)

Ready to Join?

I can’t wait to see the massive changes you’ll make!

If you have any questions, we would love to support you! You can reach us at

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